6:30 am
8:15 am
12:00 noon
6:00 pm
Distribution of ashes will take place at each Mass.
Do you long for healing and wholeness? Would you like to be grounded in a love that will never fail?
So many of us are wrestling through the reality that life isn’t easy, even when we are doing the right thing. Suffering can slam into us from left field, leaving us reeling. Fearless and Free, a Bible study based on the book of Ephesians, is ideal for those who long for wholeness of heart and are in need of freedom from past wounds.
We invite you to join Walking with Purpose, a women’s Catholic Bible study, this Lent at St. Pius.
Kick off is a Potluck Social February 10, 2025 at the St Pius X Youth Building 7:00-8:30 pm. All women are invited. Bring a dish to share!
Weekly group sessions
- Mondays - starting Monday, February 17 at 7:00 pm. (in-person @ Youth Building and virtual through ZOOM)
- Wednesdays - starting Wednesday, February 19 at 2:30 (Home group study option may be available contact us for more details)
Lenten Study: Fearless and Free, a 6 week study on Ephesians.
Register by clicking: WWP Registration d
Join us on Sundays in the church at 7:30am prior to the 8:00am Mass or at 9:25am prior to the 10am Mass to pray the rosary.
If you volunteer in a ministry here in the parish, please check your blue card to see if you have expired! If you have passed your expiration date, and wish to renew, you can now do it online. Please go to www.diocesecc.org/training.
Click on “Step Two - Complete Safe Environment Training” and follow the steps. Please know that if you renew your training online, you will no longer receive a blue card but instead will receive an email informing you that your training is complete and the diocesan database will be updated. If you do not have the means to complete this training online, please call the parish office at 361-993-4053 to let us know. Once we know how we can safely offer this class, we will reach out to you to let you know.
FORMED is the revolutionary digital platform that gives your unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. Whether fallen away or deeply engaged, at the parish or on the go, FORMED amazing content 24/7 for you to grow in your faith. The parish has purchased this as a free gift to you. Click on “Register Now” below and follow the instructions to register. You’re ready to access the inspiring and engaging content on FORMED! If you are already registered with them, just click on “SIGN IN” in the top right-hand corner.
Friday, September 1
Daily Mass
Fri, September 1, 8:15am – 8:15am
Church (map)
You can view the full calendar at
Fri, September 1, 5:30pm – 5:30pm
Church, 5620 Gollihar Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (map)
You can view the full calendar at https://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/73987301
Fri, September 1, 5:30pm – 5:30pm
Church, 5620 Gollihar Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (map)
You can view the full calendar at https://www.mychurchevents.com/calendar/73987301.
Sat, December 2, 10am – 10am
CC #2, 5620 Gollihar Rd., Corpus Christi, TX 78412 (map)