The Sacrament of Confirmation, like Baptism and Eucharist, is a sacrament of initiation. By the sacrament of Confirmation, the one who is confirmed is bound more perfectly to the Church and enriched with a special strength of the Holy Spirit. It also offers the grace to give greater personal witness to Jesus.
In the Diocese of Corpus Christi, preparation for Confirmation is a two-year process. Reception of the sacrament usually takes place at the end of the tenth grade year, but is also open to 11th and 12th graders. Preparation normally begins for students entering the ninth grade,
Students from public schools must attend Confirmation preparation classes on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Confirmation candidates must attend all classes, with only three excused absences permissible with a note from the parents. This includes participation in LifeTeen.
Students who are enrolled in a Catholic High School may fulfill their first year of Confirmation preparation through their school’s religion classes. However, they should be participating in St. Pius X Parish through regular Mass attendance and the LifeTeen program on Sunday nights at least twice a month.
All candidates in their second year of preparation for Confirmation, including both Catholic and public school students, must attend preparation classes every week. Classes take place on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Confirmation will take place in the spring. The date is designated by the Bishop.
Every candidate must choose a Confirmation Sponsor. The sponsor must have received Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist, and must be someone other than the child’s parent. He or she must be a Catholic that regularly attends church and is in good standing with the Church. Each sponsor will be asked to obtain a recommendation from his or her pastor verifying suitability for such a role.
Those who are adults seeking Confirmation receive preparation through the OCIA. Please visit the OCIA page for more information.